Before the horizontal tubes can be removed from the liner, the pool must be empty. The vertical tubes or U-shaped tubes must also be removed. Shake the vertical or U-shaped tubes to disconnect them from the horizontal tubes. This will reduce the density between the sleeve and tubes, making it easier for the horizontal tubes to slide out of the sleeve.
Follow the steps below to easily remove the horizontal tubes from the liner sleeve.
Step 1: Pull the sleeve away from the beam.
Step 2: Repeat over the entire length of the pool sleeve.
Please note! Do not use water or soap. This can have a sucking effect between the sleeve and the tubes.

Step 3: Grasp the end of the tube and rotate it from side to side while pulling the beam out of the sleeve.
Turning the beam will help to remove the horizontal tubes.

If you experience any problems with loosening the horizontal tubes from the pool sleeve, please contact local service centre for further assistance.